

MyTask is an AI-powered productivity tool designed to transform how you manage your calendar and schedule tasks. With MyTask, you can quickly turn simple text instructions into calendar events using its seamless integration with Google Calendar and Outlook Calendar. The MyTask extension allows for easy text-to-event creation, enabling users to describe their events in natural language and have them instantly added to their calendar.

MyTask also offers lightspeed event creation, powered by GroqCloud API, facilitating event interpretation and creation in under 1.5 seconds—twice as fast as manual entry. It's built and maintained by the MyCorp Team, with help from Bite, ensuring a reliable and smooth experience. Enjoy automatic AI-generated descriptions for events, recurrent scheduling, attendee invites, and spontaneous Google Meet creation features. For professionals seeking efficiency and simplicity in event organization, MyTask provides a streamlined, hassle-free experience. Embrace the future of task management with MyTask.

Top Features:
  1. Seamless Integration: Simplifies the process of adding calendar events in Google Calendar and Outlook Calendar.

  2. Easy Text-to-Event Creation: Allows users to describe events in natural language to quickly generate calendar entries.

  3. Automatic AI-Generated Descriptions: Events come with AI-generated descriptions, making your calendar neat and organized.

  4. Lightspeed Event Creation: Events get processed and added in under 1.5 seconds, thanks to the GroqCloud API.

  5. Full Calendar Functionality: Supports recurring scheduling, attendee invites, and Google Meet creation for comprehensive calendar management.


1) What is MyTask and how does it work?

MyTask is an AI-powered tool for easy creation, editing, and organization of calendar events. It integrates with Google Calendar and Outlook Calendar, allowing users to add events by simply describing them in natural language.

2) What kind of scheduling can I do with MyTask?

With MyTask, you can set up simple to complex recurring events, invite attendees to meetings, and even create spontaneous Google Meets.

3) How fast is the event creation with MyTask?

MyTask provides lightspeed event creation powered by GroqCloud API, processing and adding events in less than 1.5 seconds.

4) Who maintains the MyTask extension?

The MyTask extension is built and maintained by the MyCorp Team, with assistance from Bite.

5) Does MyTask automatically generate descriptions for events?

Yes, MyTask includes automatic AI-generated descriptions for each event, helping to keep your calendar organized.




Google Calendar Integration
Outlook Calendar Integration
AI-Powered Scheduling
Automatic Event Descriptions
GroqCloud API
Text-To-Event Creation

Tech used:

Tailwind CSS


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